A Long Way From Home
Jon Ander Arenas Abarrategui is a foreign exchange student from Spain who is at Lakeview for his junior year of high school. He is from Basque Country, which is a community in northern Spain.
“Texas is hot,” Abarrategui said, comparing his homeland to Lakeview’s home. In Spain, the average temperature is 72 degrees during the summer.
“I like [Lakeview],” he said. “The school is big instead of small. You have different subjects than in Spain.”
Schools in Spain usually are in class from 9 to 5. They study things like philosophy and civic responsibility.
Lakeview looks forward to showing our newest student what we have to offer.

I am class of 2017, Newspaper Photo Editor, and Editor-in-Chief of the LCHS Yearbook. I have been on the newspaper staff for two years, and I am a writer...