Upcoming Summer Break Excites Students
Summer break for most high school students starts at the end of May, but students at Lakeview are starting theirs toward the middle of June
As students are getting ready for finals, they are also preparing for a relaxing three month break from school.
“I’m going to travel basically all of break,” sophomore Kayley McFeron said. “We’re going to the Bahamas, New York and Hawaii. I’ll be able to enjoy these three months before school starts again.”
For underclassmen, summer is just a break before school starts again, but for seniors it is time to get ready for a life outside of high school.
“I’m kind of excited, kind of nervous, since I am gonna be going to college and getting a job,” senior Landon Hartley said.
For juniors it’s time to start applying for colleges and thinking about what they want to major in.
“I know that I am definitely applying for dance school since it’s what I love,” junior Sierra Lack said. “For me, summer break will include a lot of college applications.”

I'm a junior, and this is my second year on newspaper. I've always liked writing, photography, and am hoping to express my thoughts through journalism....