STAAR Carnival Prepares Students and Teachers
STAAR testing weeks are stressful to students. They rush to go over learned materials, and teachers take class time to prepare. Amongst all of this stress, it’s relaxing to attend a carnival.
Lakeview hosted their STAAR carnival, it being full of food, fun, and educational games.
“It was a nice experience and took my mind off of STAAR testing, the educational games created a fun atmosphere,” sophomore Michelle Martinez said.
The educational games were a great mix to add because students became engaged in the games and had fun.
“I love carnivals, and hearing about a STAAR carnival got me excited and like going to it was tons of fun,” freshman Elizabeth Chastant said.

I'm a junior, and this is my second year on newspaper. I've always liked writing, photography, and am hoping to express my thoughts through journalism....