Dress Code Concerns
“Your bare shoulders are distracting the school environment!” said every teacher, “Your shorts are too short!”
Students at Lakeview are affected by the dress code. Almost 60 percent of schools enforce a strict dress code around the country, according to the latest findings from the National center for educational statistics based in Washington, D.C. Requirements. However, many rules vary from school to school.
“Our dress code consists of students being girls being modest with fingertip length clothing, girls shouldn’t show bare shoulders, it’s a big distraction when it comes to boys,” said English teacher Jason Carney. “Oh for boys? They just can’t wear hats.”
Opinions regarding the dress code change, depending on administration, from student to student. Recently, Lakeview has been more strict on enforcing the dress code.
“I think the dress code only applies to girls, boys are never told their shoulders, stomachs, legs, are a problem,” sophomore Shelby Locky said. “If boys will be distracted by my shoulders then it’s not my fault, but the way they’re taught to think.”
Not many students are pleased with the strict dress code, many believe clothing such as hats and short shorts wouldn’t be a distraction to students.
“Hats and headwear don’t distract me from my work, regardless of what someone is wearing,” sophomore Jomar Goldo said. “I just want to come to school while expressing myself through my clothing.”

I'm a junior, and this is my second year on newspaper. I've always liked writing, photography, and am hoping to express my thoughts through journalism....