Parking Pass Scandal

You’ve all heard the latest scandal; fake parking passes.

I have to give you creative few students props. It takes some mad skills and guts to fake a school-issued parking pass (that isn’t even that expensive) and believe you’ll get away with it. And despite thinking you’ll get off with $10 in your pocket for not buying a real one, it’s going to bite you in the backside whenever you’re having to paying $40 to remove the boot they put on your car.

Honestly, I’m impressed. But the risk outweighs the reward. Paying $40 for a boot-removal instead of just $10 for the semester parking pass, is not only a really good try, but also really childish since the cost is four times what it would actually be to pay. This is almost as childish as James Madison being afraid of a direct democracy so they instituted the extra layer of voting we now know as the Electoral College.

You either have to be not licensed at all or really desperate to fake a parking pass for the school. Which, and I have to reiterate, is only $10. I did however, manage to find one of these ‘creative’ students and score an anonymous interview with them.

No doubt the mastermind behind this whole scheme really has some nerve, but is also probably shaking in their boots right about now as Principal Maresa Bailey has now made a public announcement. This must be really disappointing (and/or enraging) to hear her beloved students doing something as vile as this.

No doubt in my mind says that this will slowly draw to a quiet close just like everything else here at Lakeview Centennial does. The fun times lasted for awhile, but the jig is up, creative students, it’s time to forfeit over the cash or face the consequences.