The Biggest LETT Down so Far

Deanna Hand

Lakeview Players become emotional after losing the game.

Last Friday night’s game was said by many to be “the best game of the season.” The Patriots took on the Rowlett Eagles at HBJ stadium, which was featured on Fox Sports as the game of the week. After what happened at last year’s close game against the Eagles with Lakeview losing by one point in overtime, this year’s seniors especially wanted this win more than ever.

Our team came into this game with very high hopes on beating “the school across the lake.”

“Going into the game, I was very confident and hyped up,” senior Omar Castro said. “I believed my team and I would play a great game and come out victorious, and of course I was ready to kick some Rowlett player’s butts.”

Rowlett had a lead from the beginning of the game up until the second quarter. Senior quarterback Jaylen Jones cut their lead and scored our first touchdown. Following this, the Patriots came back strong. By halftime, both teams were tied 21-21. Unfortunately, Jones was injured in the middle of the second quarter and was out for the rest of the game, leaving second string quarterback, sophomore Jarrett Adams to step in.

“I had to come in and finish the game out for him,” Adams said. “I knew [Jones] wanted it bad, so I fulfilled it just like he would have.”

After halftime, both teams came back with an equally fair shot, with their scores being tied. The Patriots had touchdown after touchdown, and were ahead by 11 points all the way up to the fourth quarter. The last quarter was when the tables turned, and our lead quickly started to decline. The atmosphere at the game went from being celebratory to intense.

“There was a point to where it was so intense I was covering my eyes because I couldn’t stand to watch the last two minutes of the game,” senior Nathan Lemma said.

Rowlett was able to creep back up in the last three minutes and won with a final score of 46-42 Rowlett.  

 “[I] can’t really point fingers,” Adams said. “It’s simple, we just didn’t execute. Defensively, offensively, and even on special teams within the last 3 minutes of the game. You win as a team, you lose as a team.”

It was apparent that this loss was extremely emotional for our players. Several of their eyes were full of tears and by the looks on their faces they were not satisfied with the final score.

“It was emotional for us, especially the seniors, because they’re our rivals and we wanted to win and make history: the first team to beat Rowlett,” Castro said. “It was our last chance for us seniors and we didn’t accomplish it, we also cried because of the love for the sport that we have. A loss versus an opponent like that is very emotional for us.”