Track Meet
Last week’s track event was exciting as ever. There was over 22 schools at the meet last week. This week’s meet is at Williams stadium.
“My favorite event is the hurdles and 100-yard dash,” junior Candice Parramore said.
Parramore has been on Lakeview’s varsity team since her freshman year.
“Track takes a lot off my mind and keeps me in shape, that’s why I always come first in the meets,” senior Uduak Nkanga said.
The throwing events are also doing good this year for Lakeview Centennial. There’s also a lot of competition; the other girls are good too.
“At some meets some girls throw like men,” junior Sierra King said.
The girls’ track team has a bright future ahead of them and are going to do a lot of things to get better.
“Focusing on our form is a must and exercising outside of practice,” sophomore Marissa Scurlark said.

I'm a senior on the varsity basketball team. This is my first year on the newspaper staff.