Raqeeb Ali
Raqeeb Ali is a four-year member and the president of Student Council; he believes wholeheartedly in the benefits of the student-based organization. Ali says he would recommend Student Council to all students because of the skills and school pride it helps you develop.
“I joined student council [to expand] my leadership skills, self-esteem, and to help the school or individuals in need,” Ali said.
For Ali’s family, Student Council has been an important part in many of their lives. The members of his family who attended/attend Lakeview have all been members of the organization.
“In all honesty, Student Council impacted my family immensely,” Ali said. “It has made my parents and cousins understand that school pride and helping out the community is as important as academics.”
His twin sister, Rana Ali, is also a four-year member of Student Council, and has seen several positive changes in her brother since he joined the organization.
“Being immensely involved in Student Council has brought my brother to carry great responsibilities, in which he was able to bring awareness to rising problems in the society,” Rana Ali said. “Along with these achievements, Student Council has also grown with Raqeeb as president, obtaining more classmates to care for the school and the environment.”
In addition to his role in Student Council, Ali is also a senior representative on the Principal’s Advisory Council.
“PAC has impacted my school career by influencing me to continue performing my best towards academics,” Raqeeb Ali said.
Ali says that his membership in these organizations have taught him several necessary life skills that will benefit him in the future.

I'm a writer for the school newspaper, and in the past I have written for Affinity Magazine. I am also the Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook Staff.

I'm a senior who has been on staff for two years, though I did work for the yearbook before then. I'm the Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper and Copy Editor...