Alexes Terry
Alexes Terry is head of the social studies department, the DC U.S. History instructor, the College and Career Readiness Ambassador, a student-teacher mentor, and the temporary AP/DC economics instructor.
Alexes Terry is the head of the social studies department, the DC U.S. History instructor, the College and Career Readiness Ambassador, a student-teacher mentor, and temporary AP/DC economics instructor.
Terry accredits her ability to manage all of these different roles to the time management skills she has developed over her last eight years of teaching, as well as her faith.
“I’m a big scheduler, planner, and I write out everyday what I need to do, when I need to do it and just start going and checking things off the list,” Terry said. “Sometimes I don’t get it all done, but that’s fine.”
Late nights and early mornings are a big way she is able to accomplish everything on her lists, and she works hard to keep work separate from home.
“Usually my mornings start at 4,” Terry said. “I get up and start my day and go to bed at about 10:30 or 11.”
Becoming a teacher was not originally her first choice of career, but she has since fallen in love with it and the interaction she has with her students.
“I love what I do,” Terry said. “I really feel like it was just a God-given destiny.”
Teaching a subject she is passionate about makes the job easier, and she is able to use it as a creative outlet.
“I love being around students and I love feeling like I’ve made a difference,” Terry said.
Education is extremely important to Terry, as it has helped her in several different ways throughout her life. She hopes her students will understand that education can change their lives.
“Education allowed me to kind of change my life circumstances and so I really really value education,” Terry said. “I want to live a life my parents weren’t able to live.”
She takes pride in her achievements and attributes all of her success to her initiative to go out and get an education.
“I didn’t have a good upbringing,” Terry said. “I was able to get out of South Central LA, and I’m the only one from my siblings to graduate high school.”
Terry is currently working on getting her Masters degree online in Urban Education from Texas A&M University at College Station. She wants to better understand urban students and what they need to learn and succeed.
“Urban centers are filled with white teachers who don’t know how to teach black students,” Terry said. “And a lot of those white teachers don’t have the support to teach black students. I want to be a support base for these teachers.”
She wants to lead an exceptional team of teachers to teach students in urban schools, and keep these teachers in the classroom.
“I’m all about making great teachers,” Terry said. “It’s hard to keep good teachers in the classroom without them being burnt out.”
She also runs a blog, Twisted Teaching, which she says is to help teachers survive being in the classroom.
“Twisted Teaching is just me reaching out and being that resource that teachers need,” Terry said. “My whole slogan is ‘Creating twenty-first century teachers for the twenty-first century classroom.’”
Bottom line, Alexes Terry wants nothing more than to positively impact the learning experience of students and teachers alike, and she works to achieve this everyday.
“I really want to make sure, no matter what, that students are successful and have what they need to be successful,” Terry said. “All students deserve a quality education.”

I'm a writer for the school newspaper, and in the past I have written for Affinity Magazine. I am also the Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook Staff.

I'm a writer and photographer. I'm a senior and this is my first year on staff.