Insatiable Disappoints Critics
There is a lot of controversy surrounding the newly released Netflix show “Insatiable.” Before the show was even released, there was a petition on to cancel it from airing.
The main controversy surrounding the show is about how the show portrays body image.
The season starts out with the main character Patty, being borderline obese and depressed due to her weight – feeling helpless and undesirable.
She finally loses weight after her jaw being wired shut, and from then on she decides to get revenge on those who bullied her.
Patty only starts to think of herself as worthy of love and friendship after she loses weight. This leads the viewers to believe being skinny solved all her problems.
“However unintentional, the message is that thin people’s stories are worth telling, while fat people are relegated to nightmarish flashbacks and cheap jokes.” movie critic Jenna Guillaume said.
Not to mention, Patty is not a well rounded character, the show does not explore Patty’s personality or her flaws.
“All we really is that she was fat, now she’s not and she wants revenge” movie critic Sarah Zheng said, “everything else seems subject to change based on what the plot demands of her”
The controversy around “Insatiable” seems to be well deserved as it fails to achieve their goals in being a good show and being funny.

I'm a junior, and this is my second year on newspaper. I've always liked writing, photography, and am hoping to express my thoughts through journalism....