Summer Starting Late
The school year is finally ending this week, Friday, June 8, for all schools in GISD. It took us a long time to get here but we finally made it. But why so late? When most school districts in Texas end their school years last week, an entire week before us. Dallas, Houston and Austin have all already closed their doors for students, so why is Garland ending so late?
For students in Garland their summer begins in the second week of June. That’s an entire week off of summer. Instead of going to the pool, Six Flags, or the park, students have another week of classes. Students also have to put up with the stress that final exams create when they should be at home enjoying their summer.
“We shouldn’t even be in school after this weekend, everyone else is in summer but not us,” sophomore Mina Rubealcaba said. “I dont think its fair.”
Students will return to school on Monday, August 20, meaning that the summer is even shorter. Students only get two months two enjoy the break they have from school and then it’s back to school.
“We’re gonna be back in school before we know it,” sophomore Josue Prado said.
But, on the bright side, the shortened summer means that next year the school year will be over before Memorial Day, and next years summer will be even longer. That’s a fair price to pay. The summer might be shorter but it’s worth it if it means that school ends at an earlier time next year.