DeVos Proves Her Incompetence Once Again
Once again, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos proves that she is unsuitable for her job in office. Her newest statement that has caused conflict is her statements about ICE responding to undocumented students in schools.
“I think that’s a school decision, it’s a local community decision,” DeVos told the House Education and the Workforce Committee according to the Huffington Post. “I refer to the fact that we have laws and we also are compassionate. I urge this body to do its job and address and clarify where there is confusion around this.”
She was responding to Rep. Adriano Espaillat’s (D-NY) question over whether or not schools should call ICE on undocumented students. Although she did mention the Supreme Court case that prohibited calling ICE on undocumented students (Plyler v. Doe), she continued to assert her opinion that the issue should be a local issue that is up to local authorities.
“It’s a shame,” an undocumented student at Lakeview said. “As Secretary of Education, her job is to advance equal opportunities for quality education for all students. It’s frustrating how necessary she finds it to compromise a child’s education over the significance of citizenship.”
Not only does the statements by DeVos strike fear into the eyes of undocumented students, it makes students who are documented angry for the incorrect comments by DeVos
“As an immigrant, I think her comments are really inappropriate, and they are also illegal,” junior Nicolas Dominguez Carrero said. “That, for me, just shows how incompetent she is for that position.”
This is just one of the many incorrect or vaguely unspecific statements DeVos has made. She continues to show time and time again that she is not fit for her role in office as Secretary of Education.
“She’s not qualified to be Secretary of Education,” an undocumented student from Lakeview said. “Her ignorance of laws clearly displays her unethical values towards her position of providing equal education to all students. Let’s not forget that she’s also constantly seeking to cut discretionary programs, such as federal funding for the special olympics, and a grant program for students of great financial need.”

I am the copy editor for the school newspaper and editor-in-chief for the school's yearbook. I am also an ALS advocate and caregiver, and I support DACA...