How The Climate Changes, No Matter How Much You Say It Does Not
A Rebuttal to “Maybe, Just Maybe, Conservatives Know What They’re Talking About”
I’m sorry, but the argument you’re pressing is simply wrong. You pulled your “facts” directly from Wikipedia. For the record, you are denying climate change completely, and the “scientific evidence against it” that you gave is irrelevant and inconsistent with your argument, not to mention incorrect. I would like to see a current study, from 2016 or later, that actually disproves climate change.The Trump Administration even said it is a scientific fact, and that it is anthropogenic. They mention “human influence” a total of 43 times in The U.S. Global Change Research Program’s Climate Science Special Report, and the word human over 320 times. And in the traceable account section of the report over chapter one, the third key finding is that “there is very high confidence for a major human influence on climate.”
The report states with very high confidence that “Many lines of evidence demonstrate that it is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century. Over the last century, there are no convincing alternative explanations supported by the extent of the observational evidence.” (The emphasis was in the report; it is not mine.)
Let’s review. “The Americas – Mother Nature’s Playhouse” ,cannot be located, and you have yet to bring in your sources, so the conclusion you drew from the documentary about the American weather unpredictability cannot be verified. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research), AMS (American Meteorological Society), and the NWSO (National Weather Service Organization) all can accurately predict each and every weather pattern in the Western Hemisphere to a 91.6 to 97.9 percent accuracy, depending on how far out they are forecasting. Weather is predictable, which is how we are able to make use of tornado sirens and evacuate for hurricanes. The problem is that the weather issues we are having to predict and prepare for are becoming more and more frequent since humans have settled in this region, which is an indication that we are the cause of these climatic changes. Furthermore, hurricanes are not prominent in all coastal regions – only the east coast. The Pacific coast’s water is not warm enough to sustain hurricanes. They must move down to the Mexican coast (closer to the equator), or away from the coastline of America.
“The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent probability) to be the result of human activity since the mid-20th century and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over decades to millennia,” NASA said on their evidence for climate change page. “Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. This body of data, collected over many years, reveals the signals of a changing climate.”
There are records in sediment and oral Native American stories of natural disasters in the Pacific Northwest dating back 10,000 years. As for written records, Christopher Columbus experienced a tropical storm in 1502 – well over 200 years ago – near Hispaniola during one of his voyages of colonization, according to the University of Rhode Island’s “Hurricane: Science and Society” website. We now have the technology to study past climates and their impact on the Earth before the written record and how our impact on the environment is creating “anomalies” in the climate and production of disasters.
“[Heaton and his team] decided to take the Makah story not as myth, but as history. That is, they assumed the Makah were describing a geologically recent tsunami, compared the Makah narrative with their understanding of Cape Flattery’s geology, found the similarity between story and geology “noteworthy,” and published their findings in the scientific literature,” science and coastal society journalist Ann Finkbeiner wrote in her article for Hakai Magazine. “They compared the narratives to what was known of the 1700 earthquake and tsunami and found in effect that the whole [northwest] coast had been telling stories about it.”
I also want to address your perception of climate change. Yes, North America is a dangerous place, but that is because we exist in our own pocket of climate change. This pocket is currently being hounded by a very cold hurricane-like storm known as a bomb cyclone. The Washington Post tweeted about this pocket and how it’s going to be colder than the rest of the world, but climate change is still a thing. The day after, 45 tweeted about how climate change isn’t real because “it’s cold outside.” This kind of misinformation leads others to believe anything their president says that aligns with their judgement of the topic. It’s not necessarily the person’s fault, they’re just too ignorant to do their own research so they echo their political party.
“What climate change deniers don’t seem to understand is that, even if it happens to be cold outside today, it doesn’t mean that the weather conditions we are experiencing are in any way normal,” Tanya Basu said in her article from The Daily Beast. “Global warming is in reference to rising temperatures on the planet, sure, but those temperatures have reverberations across the complicated dance of physics and atmospheric science that is the weather.”
Visiting your claim that the earth is in an ice age simply because there are massive ice sheets in the world: in reality, glaciers are present on Earth’s surface right now, but they are actually disappearing or growing thinner and thinner. According to Andre Berger and Marie-France Loutre’s work on climate change and the glacial periods, the interglacial we are in is set to last around 50,000 years, because of human contribution to climate change, also known as anthropogenic climate change. Natural history moving at a slow pace is irrelevant when science comes into play. Through ice drilling, scientists can measure atmospheric conditions in the past and when combined with orbital mapping (the distance between the earth and the sun), this prediction comes with a less than five percent error. Anthropogenic climate change is a huge contributor to global warming and will exert large amounts of influence over the short term, which can then affect the long term.
“Global warming is in reference to rising temperatures on the planet, sure, but those temperatures have reverberations across the complicated dance of physics and atmospheric science that is the weather,” the Institute of Physics in the UK said in a released document on orbital forcing. “This in turn affects the seasons which can initiate small climatic changes.”
Greenhouse gases are fact, and many types, such as chlorofluorocarbons – or CFCs – caused the mass majority of the damage done to the ozone layer during Vesuvius’s eruption. Volcanic CFCs, such as sulfate aerosol, are naturally occurring chemical compounds released during large amounts of volcanic activity. Although the CFCs are useless without halocarbons, volcanoes have courtesy to make those as well. The CFCs break down the ozone in the atmosphere and in turn are broken down themselves. The broken down components of CFCs break down even more ozone, resulting in a chain reaction. At the time of the Vesuvius eruption, no humans were creating CFCs through things like Freon and fire extinguishers, and as a result, the ozone layer had the opportunity to repair itself.
“Volcanic CFCs are emitted in the presence of compounds that raise the residence time of volcanic halogens in addition to intensifying their ozone damaging effect,” Timothy Casey said in a released report on volcanic CFCs.
Unusual weather patterns align with trends set by seasons. They are not going to change suddenly over the last 200 years (during the First Industrial Revolution) when they have been consistent since the seventh century. The seasons were created by mankind in alliance with how the climate was functioning during those periods of time. Humans did not just organize the seasons by random ideas out of thin air; it was a well-researched scientific process that aligned with years and years of documentation of weather patterns. Months were originally the space between new moons, and are not an indication of a change in temperature. Seasons are not an actual thing; they are merely a method of organization created by humans when observing the axial tilt of Earth’s orbit. Now the seasons have been shifting due to human-caused climate change and Alexander Stine and his team from the University of California, Berkeley and Harvard have studied why.
“In recent years, scientists have noted other signs that the seasons are shifting: some birds are migrating earlier; plants are blooming earlier; mountain snows are melting earlier,” Andrea Thompson wrote in her Live Science article. “The timing of the shift along with the rise in global temperatures leads [Alexander] Stine and his colleagues to think that human-caused climate change is the ultimate cause behind the shift [of the seasons].”
Using unproven sources, incorrect information, and pushing the agenda of a political party with outdated scientific thinking is neither reporting or helping the cause. There’s a fraction of forgiveness I can give when someone denies climate change, and I try to have an intellectual discussion with them. They voice their facts and evidence, and I present mine. But taking the extremist approach to climate change is a bad mindset to have. It’s not the research or the writing or the recognition that I favor when reporting, it is the simple fact that I can show the truth about the media, government, or Earth through an unbiased manner, presenting only the facts. Even the editorials (opinion pieces) I write, which is what my original article was, is accompanied by numerous facts that support my opinions (even though I condemned both political parties in my article). You did neither. Climate change, including global warming, is a thing of the present and the future. We, as a scientific and political society, need to move on from the past.

I'm a senior who has been on staff for two years, though I did work for the yearbook before then. I'm the Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper and Copy Editor...

I'm a writer for the school newspaper, and in the past I have written for Affinity Magazine. I am also the Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook Staff.

I am the copy editor for the school newspaper and editor-in-chief for the school's yearbook. I am also an ALS advocate and caregiver, and I support DACA...