Exploiting the Vulnerable
When searching for handicap accessible vans, there are only two main companies that people can choose from: United Access and Motor Works
Unfortunately, these companies use people’s disabilities and needs against them, in order to make a profit. Cheryl Taylor said that the company is full of con artists.
“They act as though they really care about you,” she said. “When really, they only care about their bottom line.”
Taylor is trying to sell back the handicapped van she bought from United Access in October of 2016 after the recent death of her husband, Andy Taylor. After paying (and still paying off) $25,000 for the van, they are only willing to give her around $10,000 back – even with the van in better shape than it started in.
“We added an entirely new brake system into the car and they aren’t even giving us half of our money back,” Taylor said. “It’s ridiculous.”
Due to the fact that United Access is not willing to give her a decent offer of her money back, she resorted to trying to sell the van personally, via Craigslist. Of course, this is always an option but puts significantly more strain on the new widow when all she wants to do is get rid of the reminder of her lost husband.
“Now that we’re finished using the van, I just wanted to sell and move off with my life,” she said. “But thanks to United Access’ greed, I now have to sell the van myself if I don’t want to be thousands of dollars in debt.”
Sure, she could’ve gone to the other company, Motion Works, but they are not much better. They would not even tell her a price for a van without coming out to see her house beforehand… sketchy isn’t it?
“They needed to see where I live and how much they thought I could afford before giving me a price,” Taylor said. “The same van could cost someone in Highland Park twice as much as someone from Garland.”
The sad thing about this whole story is the monopoly these few companies have over people. Without these vans, there is no way people can transport their loved ones from one place to another.
“Complaining about and threatening to boycott these companies is feudal,” Taylor said. “If I need a van, I have no alternative but to use them. It stinks that no one cares to break up this monopoly.”

I am the copy editor for the school newspaper and editor-in-chief for the school's yearbook. I am also an ALS advocate and caregiver, and I support DACA...