LC Reaches for the Stars
Each year, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) grades schools on a seven star scale, and this year Lakeview received all seven stars – a major accomplishment for any high school. Lakeview was compared to 39 other high schools around the state with similar demographics.
Garland High School, North Garland High School, and Naaman Forest High School were among the pool of school’s that Lakeview has grouped with. However, Lakeview was the only high school in Garland ISD (GISD) to receive all seven stars.
“It’s very exciting,” principal Maresa Bailey said. “To me, this means that our teachers and all of our staff have done a phenomenal job working with our students, and it means our students are really learning and growing every year. Throughout all four years [I’ve been principal], we have seen tremendous growth in our students.”
One key point in receiving all the stars is having a high attendance rate in the school. Without a high attendance rate in comparison to other schools, it is extremely difficult to receive all seven stars.
“If you don’t have the attendance [star], you’re not getting any of the other [stars],” Bailey said. “This attendance is not based off last year’s attendance; it is based off the 2016-2017 [school year].”
Each star represents the school’s performance on a particular subject. In each subject, the school has to rank in quartile one compared to other schools on a specific number points. For the science section, Lakeview ranked in quartile one for attendance rate, EOC performance, AP participation, and AP/DC course credit completion.
“It feels great that we are the only school that reached that level and set that standard,” biology teacher and coach Kelvin Perry said. “The main thing was all about encouraging our students to work and making them believe they can do it.”
Although it doesn’t affect the student’s day-today schedule, some students like the feel of pride they have for the school’s ranking.
“I feel that the school has greatly improved over the years I’ve been here – conduct and academic wise,” senior and collegiate student Adrian Guerrero said. “I’m glad I got to contribute to the ranking for [Lakeview].”
In the years prior with Bailey as principal, Lakeview has never gotten all seven stars – last year the school received four stars. Bailey still has aspirations to continue to improve the school and its performance levels.
“The distinction lets parents, the community, and others know that we are performing very well,” Bailey said. “We are making all kinds of progress as far as the distinctions. Our teachers put in a lot of work, especially our EOC, AP, and DC teachers, but everybody has a part in it.”

I am the copy editor for the school newspaper and editor-in-chief for the school's yearbook. I am also an ALS advocate and caregiver, and I support DACA...