Underclassman Awards Show Promise for Future Lakeview Students
Everyone loves awards for being accomplished their in school work. On April 26, Lakeview students came together to collect their awards for their academic accomplishments.
“I walked up with the juniors to get my award thing. I was kinda nervous, but I was happy and felt accomplished,” sophomore Joshua Benavides said.
Students received an award if they had a 3.5 GPA or higher, top ten in their class, or leadership nomination from their teachers.
“My award was for having a 3.5 GPA and i also received a patch for my letterman jacket, so I was proud of that,” sophomore Caitlin Lewis said.
Proud parents, teachers, and supporting friends cheered as students walked up to get their awards.
“I just got the achievement of getting a gpa of 3.5 or higher, but my other friends got multiple awards which made me really proud of them,” sophomore Malcolm Mckenzie said
Juniors received their letterman jackets for a 3.5 or higher GPA along with sophomores who received patches for their lettermans
“My letterman was tangible proof that I am capable of getting a good GPA. It has my patches for dance which makes me glad,” junior Sierra Lack said.

I'm a junior, and this is my second year on newspaper. I've always liked writing, photography, and am hoping to express my thoughts through journalism....