Yearbook Staff Finishes Book Right After Prom
On Monday, April 30, the yearbook staff submitted their final section of the book: the supplement. After submitting the 144-page main book in the middle of March, the staffers worked on the 24-page supplement to include events that occur after the main book is due.
One of events the yearbook staff wanted to include in the book was prom. This was a huge feat for them: prom occurred only two days before the pages were supposed to be submitted.
“I already only got two and a half hours of sleep,” senior and yearbook copy editor Timothy Kihneman said. “So it was hard to wake up and get straight to work, but I’m glad I did it.”
Now that the book is submitted, the staffers are preparing for distribution of the book once it arrives. The books will be shipped out on May 12 and should arrive the following week, with distribution tentatively set for the week of May 21.
“It is great to be done with it,” senior and editor Alexis Rodriguez said. “We are done making the book, but we aren’t done with the whole thing just yet. Making it was only half the job – now we have to sell and distribute.”
The books cost $60 until May 11. The books usually cost $65 at distribution, but this year, the price will increase to $70 dollars to include sales tax.
In addition to the price increase after May 11, if students still have a remaining balance on their book, their balance will increase to include sales tax. For example, if a student still owes $50 on their book, after May 11, the balance will increase to $54.13
The yearbook staffers are on the edge of their seat awaiting for the yearbooks to arrive. After the entire year, they are ready to see all of their work come together for the yearbook.
“I am so excited to have the yearbooks come in,” senior and yearbook editor-in-chief Hailey Grizzaffi said. “It is my last book, so it is going to be a bittersweet moment.”

I am the copy editor for the school newspaper and editor-in-chief for the school's yearbook. I am also an ALS advocate and caregiver, and I support DACA...