Lakeview’s Gun Reform Protest
At 9:15 a.m. on Friday, April 20, students walked out of their classrooms in support for gun control and reform. The protest lasted from 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
“I thought the protest went really well, and I was proud of how it turned out,” junior and creator of this protest Anne Kalinosky said. “I was proud of the students at Lakeview coming together in protest.”
There were multiple stations students could participate in during the protest. In the cafeteria, students created posters that showed support for gun reform.
“I collaborated with someone, and we made a sign that had all the names of the victims of Parkland, Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Virginia Tech shooting,” junior Adrian Guerrero said. “At the bottom of the poster, we put the hashtag “NotOneMore” to try to support having no more victims of gun violence.”
In the library, students wrote letters to legislation and addressed them to different congressional members. There were also multiple student speakers in the commons that helped rally the students together.
“To me, the protest means that we are taking action – we are protesting for something we believe me,” freshman Taylor Lisenby said. “Everyone should have the right to voice what they think. It’s very important that schools, like Lakeview, are hosting this so everyone can get their mind out.”
Due to some students being at the CTC center, they were unable to participate in the protest. The center did try to make up the protest for the kids who were not present at their home campus, but most students agreed it was not the same at all.
“I was really disappointed when I found out I couldn’t be a part of the protest,” junior Oscar Silva said. “The CTC tried to form their own protest, but it was really ineffective. They had us stand up 9:30 a.m. for about 20 seconds. There was not much to it. I wish the CTC put more effort in providing us a voice.”
Starting a 10:00 a.m., 17 minutes of silence were held in honor of the victims of the Parkland shooting that occurred earlier in the year. Although some students refused to respect the silence, many students agreed that the absence of sound throughout the halls was very moving.
“It was so empowering to see all of these people together fighting for one thing that will save our[selves] someday,” junior Mei Lan Troeung said.

I am the copy editor for the school newspaper and editor-in-chief for the school's yearbook. I am also an ALS advocate and caregiver, and I support DACA...