Black Out During Pep Rally Shocks Students and Staff
During a pep rally on January 26, about five minutes before the end of the school day, the power went out in some parts Garland, including here at Lakeview.
After it had just happened, many students speculated that it was a classic senior prank, but that just wasn’t the case.
“When the lights turned out, the first thing that came to mind was that it was a senior prank,” freshman Samuel Cervantes said. “But then I got home and my mom told me the lights went out there too.”
Many also thought that the lights turning off was a part of the performance but soon realized otherwise.
“At first I thought they did it as a part of the performance,” sophomore Brendan Smith said. “But then I noticed that the teachers looked just as surprised as we did, so it couldn’t have been planned.”
The power didn’t come back on until after three p.m. – after all the students had already left the building.
“I was still at school waiting for ride to pick me up when the lights came back on,” sophomore Alexander Carrillo said.
Even if it was only for a couple minutes, a blackout during a pep rally doesn’t happen often, so it’s a unique experience to have.
“I don’t think many people could say that they’ve gone through that,” sophomore Saul Castillo said. “It probably won’t ever happen again.”