Senior Kevin Gomez Escobar is one of the top 10 winners of the Visual Arts in the Dialogue Institute Dallas Art Contest. His drawing “The Art of Life” had the planet Earth in the middle put together as a puzzle, which portrayed the world divided into one. The fish around it represented animals; the flowers represented plants; and the hands represented humans.
Bringing your ideas to life isn’t an easy task. That is why Gomez used his creativity and elements from images to visualize his layout. When Gomez first found interest in drawing through his sister in drawing anime, he took matters in his own hands.
“I thought that was pretty cool,” Gomez said. “I wanted to try and started making cartoons, animals, and one thing came after another.”
Progress can come with time and patience. Gomez took a day to gather his ideas together; once he had his plan ready, he proceeded with his inking, which took about two hours; and lastly, in 30 minutes, he was able to add more gray-ish tone colors. Gomez believed that he didn’t have inspiration to start with. Gomez simply thought about creating an idea and doing what he enjoys to create his specific piece of art.
“[I felt] very proud,” Gomez said. “I told my mom, and she was very happy about it, and some teachers congratulated me.”
Creative Composition
Senior Places Top Ten in Dialogue Institute Dallas Art Contest
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About the Contributor

Melanie Veloz Lopez, Staff Writer