The Misconception about Minutemen
There’s sixty seconds left in the fourth quarter, and Lakeview’s down by 5 points. They just need one more touchdown to win. Everyone in the crowd is at the edge of the bleachers while watching the play. The crowd goes from silence to screaming and jumping from their seats. Touchdown! Band plays the “Fight Song” as the cheerleaders and guys carrying flags run across the field spelling out the words “PATS.” When you see those flags being ran across the field, you feel a sense of relief. Those guys are Lakeview’s Minutemen, and they play a huge role in the excitement of varsity game nights.
Our Minutemen are more than flag runners though. They hype up the crowd at pep rallies and games, assist cheerleaders with stunts, and do stunts of their own such as pyramids, basket tosses, ankle flips, and shoulder sits. These tasks can come with certain challenges.
“The hardest part is making sure every stunt we do is safe, but still fun, and making sure we look good with the flags on the field,” senior Mario Barraza said.
There is a common misconception that many students have where they believe Minutemen are just male cheerleaders. Minutemen, who have been involved in the program for years, find this offensive and wish students would learn more about who they are and the role they play in school.
“I want people to know that we’re not ‘cheerleaders’ and we’re more than just some guys that just stand on the sidelines next to cheer,” senior Melvin Williams said. “We’re a brotherhood that wants to bring the school laughs and a fun year.”

I'm a senior and this is my second year on the newspaper staff. I enjoy reading, writing, and astrology.