Sounds coming out of the wall
A widespread rumor that a dog was stuck in the wall up stairs took the school by storm last week, but in fact, it was just a loose valve that was not properly tightened and closed over the break.
Throughout the whole year we have blamed a lot of things going wrong with the school on the construction workers because, well, it is their fault. From the messed up Antarctic air conditioning, to water pouring from the ceiling in the copier room and eventual leaking in classrooms and offices around the entire campus.
When we came back from spring break, there was a weird sound coming from inside the wall in Dr. Hillebrenner’s room in the science hall. At first they thought it might have been an animal stuck in the wall, but how?
Rumors quickly spread throughout the next few days, so a section in the wall was cut out on wednesday and they fixed the source of the sound – a leaking valve. In fact, If you turn a faucet on low and just barely let water through, you would be able to hear a similar sound.
So, try not to spread false rumors, especially about animals, around the school.

I am the senior Editor-in-Chief of LC's Patriot Post newspaper. I've been on the newspaper staff for three years. I am a future sonographer and Class...