Tennis: Spring Season
Spring sports are now up and running and that includes the spring season of tennis. LCHS’s tennis includes two seasons: the fall season and spring season. The fall season consists of going against schools in the district and only playing against one school at a time. Players play to win matches for the school, and the point goes to the school whose majority of players win after totaling the wins of each match.
On the other hand, the spring season consists of tournament-style games where players compete against different districts in a bracket. If they win their first match, they go on to the next round in the winners bracket, and if they lose, they go to the consolation bracket where they still have a chance to win first place. Spring season is all about the individual, whereas the fall season pertains to the team. There is even a chance for players to play against their own teammates if they both meet each other in the same bracket.
Last spring season was cut short because the pandemic interrupted the season halfway. On the last Friday that school let out for spring break, the JV and some varsity players were in Lake Highlands at a tournament, so most of them were not even on school grounds with everyone else. Both the girls doubles and boys singles were able to win first place in the consolation bracket that day, and it would be the last award for the 2020 year.
“I did like ending [the 2020 school year] with a tournament,” junior Leo Messersmith said. “Right now, I am looking forward to getting to play with my partner in doubles at the next few tournaments.”
Although tennis is generally a safe sport to play during COVID because of the distance between players, the school has still implemented new rules to stay safe. Instead of shaking hands before and after each match, players now bump rackets. When one player gets water, the other lags behind and gets water after they have left so they are staggered when crossing paths. Doubles players keep their distance on each side of the court and are required to not come in close contact with their partner unless they both have masks on. Players wear masks when they need to come close to their teammates and avoid crowding at all times.
The spring season of tennis also involves a lot of travelling to other districts and so they spend a lot of time together. During the times of travel, players mainly bonded with other teammates and in the event of a cancellation of a tournament, the players would go eat breakfast or lunch together before they returned to school. Of course, COVID has sidelined these activities, but players are still being able to have a good time by practicing during school and supporting each other during the tournaments.
“I’m a beginner, so I think playing the tournaments will give me the opportunity to get better,”
senior Eden Jones said. “I look most forward to playing tournaments and bonding with the team.”

My name is Emily Regalado and I'm a writer for the Patriot Post and school photographer. I mainly shoot sports, like basketball and football. I'm a senior...