Chance for Unity In the United States
Last month, Kanye West was interviewed by TMZ’s Harvey Levin to discuss several different topics, including his idea of bringing Colin Kaepernick to the White House with President Donald Trump to bring unity in places they differ.
It’s no secret that President Trump is not a fan of Kaepernick’s kneeling movement that ignited several protests across sports leagues. He even went as far as to announce that those who kneel will lose their job and referred to them as “sons of b*tches” during a rally in Alabama. It was also clear that Kaepernick wasn’t backing down from his stance to kneel during the national anthem in protest of police brutality in America.
Senator Lindsey Graham recently said that he supports the idea of bringing them together.
“[I support] anything that will bring the country together,” Graham told TMZ Sports. “I believe in speaking your mind, having your say, and respect the flag.”
It’s clear that West and Graham want to bring two people, who represent something so much bigger than themselves, together in an attempt to solve and compromise. Graham said he wanted to work on prison reform and sentencing reform.
“There are a lot of people in jail for a long period of time – African-American males, Hispanic males particularly,” Graham told TMZ Sports. “Three strikes and you’re out has been pretty hard, so it might be something we could all work on that would bring us together.”
Graham also stated that he felt guilty about watching football, and that he is tired of feeling that way.
Though the idea seems appealing, these are two figures who are adamant on their stances, Kaepernick refusing to stand for the national anthem, Trump firmly believing those should stand for the anthem. They are individuals who represent two sides of the country, one being the oppressed and one being the oppressor. So, I believe there is truth in believing we will never catch Colin Kaepernick and Donald Trump in a room together soon.
“I’m not sure if Kanye West’s ideas would work necessarily,” senior Veronica Holland said. “Trump is set in his republican views, and I don’t think he would step out and help with prison reform or sentencing reform, since he has always been so negative about Colin Kaepernick from kneeling and his new partnership with Nike.”

I'm a junior at Lakeview Centennial High school and this is my first year on the newspaper and yearbook staff.