Laura Ingraham Bullies a Parkland Teen
After claiming that Parkland students don’t have enough gun knowledge to criticize Nikolas Cruz, a former student that entered a high school and took 17 innocent lives, Laura Ingraham made it clear that students do not have sufficient gun knowledge to take a stance on the issue of automatic weapons.
A few days later, Ingraham decided it would be a good idea to publicly crucify 17-year-old Parkland student David Hogg, seemingly out of nowhere.
Ingraham decided to tweet an article from a news site that labeled the kid a “Gun Rights Provocateur.” The article also decided to bring up that he was rejected by four universities based in California.
“David Hogg rejected by 4 colleges to which he applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA…totally predictable given acceptance rates),” Ingraham said in a tweet.
In return, Hogg replied to Ingraham by questioning who her most notable advertisers were.
“Sooo @IngrahamAngle what are your biggest advertisers… asking for a friend. #BoycottIngramAdverts,” Hogg said in a tweet.
Hogg called for his hundreds of thousands of followers to contact 12 companies that sponsored “The Ingraham Angle.” Those companies were Sleep Number, AT&T, Nutrish, Allstate, Esurance, Bayer, Rocket Mortgage, Liberty Mutual, Arby’s, TripAdvisor, Nestle, Hulu, and Wayfair.
Many of those companies dropped their sponsorships with Ingraham after her insensitive tweets. Ingraham later attempted to apologize in a tweet – probably in an attempt to save the little sponsors she had left.
“I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland,” Ingraham said in a tweet.
After all the controversy with gun control and the Parkland students, Ingraham stupidly attempted to ruin and embarrass a child simply because he is an activist who wants to use his platform to encourage others to join in on the gun control movement.
Just days after her nonsense tweets, Ingraham decided to take a week long vacation during Easter. She was back in time to host her show and decided to apologize once again.
Ingraham never mentioned Hogg specifically as she should have, nor did she apologize to Hogg and the many victims of the Parkland shooting, but rather kept up it business as usual.

I'm a junior at Lakeview Centennial High school and this is my first year on the newspaper and yearbook staff.