A Political Survey
With the inauguration of President Donald Trump being everywhere in the media, I wanted to hear students’ opinions on the past and present state of our country. I asked 30 students the same six opinion-based questions over politics:
Who would you want to be our president?
Will you be watching the inauguration next week?
Will you miss Obama being our president?
Are you looking forward to Trump’s presidency?
With what political party do you identify?
How involved are you in politics?
I discovered that 58% of students wanted Bernie Sanders to be their president. This was not surprising to me, because the majority of Sanders supporters are young people (ages 18-29).
I also discovered that 90% of students said they were not going to be watching Trump’s inauguration, while only 10% of students planned on watching. Although the majority of students surveyed said they wouldn’t watch it, there was no way of escaping videos and memes about it on social media.
With no surprise, I found out that 85% of students said they would miss Barack Obama being the president.
I discovered that about 68% of students view themselves as apart of the Democratic Party, while 16% of students feel that they don’t identify with a political party.
The final question in the survey had interesting results. I discovered that 48% of students feel that they aren’t involved in politics at all, however wished they were, while only 14% of students are very involved in politics.
I was not that surprised in my results of my survey, but it was interesting to see the views of my peers and fellow students.

I'm a senior and this is my second year on the newspaper staff. I enjoy reading, writing, and astrology.