“Assassin’s Creed” Review
I’ve heard so highly of the “Assassin’s Creed” video games, but sadly the movie didn’t live up to the hype. When I saw the word “Assassin’s” in the title, I was expecting the film to be a bloody action packed thriller. Instead, the action scenes were boring and dragged out. The story line was so confusing and hard to figure out what was happening and why. As the movie progressed I hoped it would get better, but to my disappointment, it only got worse. This was one of the worst films I’ve seen, and almost had me and my friends walking out the theater.
The movie begins with a little boy riding his bike around the desert in Mexico, and comes home to find his mother killed by his father, who apparently, is an assassin. A screen then shows the words “20 years later” and that little boy has grown up into the main character Callum Lynch played by Michael Fassbender and, now in prison, is about to be given a lethal injection. I assumed it was for killing his mother, but it doesn’t really make sense because in the scene just before that police were outside his door to capture his father. Then miraculously he wakes up but is really dead but isn’t and is in the place that allows you to fight or something. Honestly, I didn’t understand it all, all I know is that he gets hooked up to this machine called the Animus and becomes his assassin ancestor. The assassin scenes were set in what it looked like roman times and they didn’t really have that much killing and were bland. You expect action scenes to be exciting and keep you on the edge of your seat, but it was just Callum stabbing people with his wrist knives and they died. The rest of the movie is a blur and I didn’t understand it at all. But apparently the residents of this “secret society” thing revolt, escape, and become assassins. The End.
This movie was just a huge disappointed and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. Unless you like wasting money on poorly made so called “action” movies, then be my guest.

I'm a senior and this is my second year on the newspaper staff. I enjoy reading, writing, and astrology.