Stressful Studies
It’s crunch time! With the semester coming to an end, students have major projects and exams to study for, along with that comes added stress.
Among all the students in the school, juniors seem to be dealing with the most stress. Taking your SATS combined, with the pressure of attaining a high GPA to submit to colleges next year, junior year is said to be the most challenging.
“I’m way more stressed than last year,” junior Delaney Foster said. “The work is significantly harder than before, and I’ve never been more stressed out.”
Procrastination is also affecting students. Students find that they get distracted from doing their homework, and end up having to cram everything in the last minute.
“It’s [procrastinating] has a big impact on my life and it adds onto my stress,” junior Tayzia Hopkins said. “After school I’m really tired so I usually take a nap, but when I wake up from my nap I’m still tired so my homework doesn’t get done.”
With school work taking up a lot of time, students have found way to de-stress.
“I play sports,” junior Jose Torres said. “Soccer relives stressful nerves in my body.”

I'm a senior and this is my second year on the newspaper staff. I enjoy reading, writing, and astrology.