Is there a Trump Conspiracy?
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following editorial are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Patriot Post staff, adviser, the LCHS faculty or administration, or GISD.
Rumors have been going around surrounding the ‘Trump Conspiracy.’ These allegations claim that the new president-elect essentially tricked the entire population of the backwards thinking racist conservatives that still plagues America.
After the election, the Trump team removed some campaign promises from their website and negated some ideas that they had prior to winning. However, some people believe that Donald Trump and his team have removed their classic Republican views and traded them for Democrat ones.
“[Donald] shouldn’t have done that,” senior Brianna Padgett said. “I think if he’s going to have these certain views, he shouldn’t change his views for other people.”
These allegations include things such as removing his new immigration laws concerning the Islamic people in America. He also changed his views on the LGBTQ+ community in a Today interview saying that he believes transgender people should use “the bathroom they feel is appropriate”. According the Wall Street Journal, Trump supports a North Carolina law that is seen as discriminatory but the transgender population. Repealing Obamacare was a toner view of his, but according to ThinkProgress, Trump is willing to maintain critical parts of it.
Although Trump has not gone back on his word for more pressing issues such as the wall, trade negotiations, or his undeniable sexism, Trump may have possibly finessed the entire United States with the biggest plot twist in American history.

I'm a senior who has been on staff for two years, though I did work for the yearbook before then. I'm the Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper and Copy Editor...