Bursting On the Scene
Senior Kelton Jones prepares to release his egg container. The students had to create a container to keep their egg from breaking.
On January 22 physics teacher Michael Barry took his third period class outside to participate in an egg drop. Students were told to hold their home-made containers from the ceiling and drop them from the highest point they could reach onto the concrete. Though most eggs did end up cracking, a few were safe and didn’t crack at all.
“I expect my egg not to crack,” junior Trevor Currey said. “I tried to keep the egg from breaking.”
Currey’s egg was placed in a small rectangular Amazon box filled with cotton. Other students used different methods such as a toilet paper roll stuffed with toilet paper and a box made of straws, tape, and stuffed with cotton balls.
“I expected my egg not to crack because I worked kind of hard on it, but it did,” junior Lindsey Galban said. “I could’ve used more cotton balls to make it safer.”
After the egg drop ended, Mr. Barry asked the students what they would do and how they would change things to prevent their egg from cracking at all. He even provided eggs to those who forgot their’s so they could see how their container kept the egg safe.
“One of the things I have them do is write down three improvements to their containers,” Mr. Barry said.
“So that’s what I’ll have them do next in the classroom.”
The day ended with most of the eggs cracked. Mr. Barry held the egg drop with all of his classes, teaching students how to create a safe container for the egg to fall in without cracking at all using physics.