AP Testing Week is Upon Us
AP tests are being held this week and next week, and AP students taking the tests are trying to finish up their preparations.
“I’m still reviewing all my world history notes,” sophomore Joshua Benevides said.”[I] can’t believe it’s almost time for me to take the test.”
Teachers are finishing up their study sessions, using class time to prep for DBQ’s, and are making sure students are well prepared.
“Students might believe they are ready for college level tests or courses, but most likely, they are not ready,” history teacher Paul Ranta said. “This test will test what they learned.”
The AP test an opportunity for students to earn college credit by receiving a 3, 4 or 5 score on the test.
“Aside from it looking great on my transcript, the AP test will help me learn something new,” sophomore Caiylin Lewis said.
Some students see this AP test as a challenge. Taking AP courses and passing the test proves that they can master college level courses.
“If I did not take AP classes, I would be bored since regulars classes are not as challenging as honors classes,” Lewis said.

I'm a junior, and this is my second year on newspaper. I've always liked writing, photography, and am hoping to express my thoughts through journalism....