White House Summit Invites Russia
Sitting president Donald Trump’s relations with some countries, specifically Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, are subject to much speculation regarding their exact nature.
According to both the Kremlin and the White House, both leaders spoke on a potential summit with the White House being a proposed venue for the event.
On its own, the event taking place in the White House isn’t very noteworthy. However, the president’s home has very scarcely been used as a venue for summits. The idea of Putin being there does raise a few eyebrows.The immense amount of speculation surrounding Russia and the potential involvement there may have been in the election that put Trump in the White House.
Putin’s involvement in the election is subject to hundreds upon hundreds of rumors and speculation about what exactly the end goal is, if there was any involvement at all.
Meanwhile, all the speculation going around Trump’s administration seeming to be in a sort of limbo with members of his cabinet leaving and his staff still having major holes in it.
Trump’s administration has also confirmed a potential summit with the North Korean regime (a historic first if it actually happens). While rumors of potential summits swirl, Trump has already decided to skip on a summit this week, opting to miss out on the Summit of The Americas this week due to rising tensions in Syria and Russia. Regardless if it happens or not, the idea of Putin meeting with Trump in the White House is sure to raise even more questions about what exactly Putin and the Kremlin’s motives are.

I'm a writer and photographer. I'm a senior and this is my first year on staff.