Freedom Sings Their Hearts Out
Spring is the prime time for show choirs to begin to announce their spring shows, showcasing their talents that they work on throughout the year. Freedom, Lakeview’s Pop Show Choir, had their show last Friday and Saturday in the auditorium. Their show, appropriately titled “Something Old, Something New,” included songs that range from recent hits to old favorites.
“I think our show went surprisingly well,” sophomore Zoë Phillips said. “It’s crazy how much we got done in just a few short weeks! I’m grateful for the time shared with my freedom family and hopefully I get the chance to do it all over again next year!”
The show was made up of girls’ songs, boys’ songs, solos, and group numbers to be performed by the students.
“My favorite song was Prisoner,” senior Michael Purdy said. “This was a great song in the first place. Then we made it our own and it was very fun. The crowd enjoyed it too.”
For the seniors, it was their last time performing on Lakeview’s stage.
“I was definitely emotional after my solo and during the last song of the last show,” senior Alysia Clewis said. “I fought my hardest holding those tears back because I didn’t want my lashes to come off.”
The new Freedom list will be posted this coming Monday for new members to replace the old and returning members to carry on the legacy.
“Of course I’m trying out again,” junior Bonn Fernandez said. “I’m so pumped! I already started thinking about songs to perform [next year]!”

I am class of 2017, Newspaper Photo Editor, and Editor-in-Chief of the LCHS Yearbook. I have been on the newspaper staff for two years, and I am a writer...