Seniors celebrate prom
Last weekend, seniors gathered at Cityplace in Dallas to celebrate prom. The seniors spent their night eating, dancing, and winning awards or prizes. Seniors put a lot of preparation into making prom a night to remember.
Prior to prom night, seniors cast their votes for the most anticipated award: prom king and queen. Prom queen went to Maegan Plunk, and prom king went to Zhaire Smith.
“I was overwhelmed and I didn’t expect to win,” Smith said. “I appreciate all the support from the LC student body that voted for me.”
Seniors also had the opportunity to win free prizes in a raffle. The prizes included TVs, speakers, gaming systems, and computers that could possibly be useful when going off to college.
“I was really excited when they called my name for the Keurig,” senior Anna Carrasco said. “I can’t wait to use it when I go to college because I’m sure I’m gonna need it.

I'm a senior and this is my second year on the newspaper staff. I enjoy reading, writing, and astrology.