Students Show Off Original Clothing at Fashion Show
The fashion design students will be showcasing their hard work in a fashion show tomorrow night. The show will include garments that have been sewn by first, second, and third year fashion design classes.
It took students several months to measure, cut, stitch, and hem their garments to perfection.
First year fashion design students will be showing off their newly learned skills with pajama pants. Second and third year students got to be more creative and make any garment they wanted from scratch.
The students are not just designers, but are going to be modeling their own pieces in the show as well.
“I’m kind of nervous to have to model my pajama pants in front of everyone, but I’m also excited because I’ve worked so hard on them,” sophomore Tadea Vallejo said. “I’ve grown a love for fashion design and it’s something I want to pursue in my future.”

I'm a senior and this is my second year on the newspaper staff. I enjoy reading, writing, and astrology.