Lit Crit advances to Regionals in Waco
The UIL Literary Criticism team advanced to Regionals after they placed first at the district meet at Sachse High School on Saturday, March 25. English teachers Mark Lee and Tereasa Boren are the sponsors of the team, who will compete Saturday, April 8 at Baylor University in Waco.
Literary criticism requires an extensive amount of information, including a knowledge of literary history and critical terms. Senior Elizabeth Hoffman placed first at the district meet, junior Mia Perez placed fourth, and team captain, senior Raquel Person, placed sixth. The team placed first overall.
“We have prepared for it the whole school year,” Boren said. “There’s three books that they have to read and questions can be given on these three books.”
The team has prepared for months for the UIL competition.
“Lit crit is just one of those things that is a lot harder to study and practice for,” Boren said, “because they literally have to know everything about everything.”
This category is very difficult to score well on and the team is looking forward to regionals.
The sponsors and team members look forward to the regional meet in Waco and are prepared to perform their best.
“I look forward to there being actual competition,” Hoffman said, “because I analyzed the scores from other years. At district you have to get like a 60 to advance and at regionals you have to get like an 80.”
Lee thinks the team has a good chance at regionals.
“The students are pretty enthused and are really competitive and smart,” he said. “The best of the best.”

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