Valentine’s Day is stupid. It’s overrated and annoying.
While I’m walking down the halls to get to third period, there is no possible reason that I should have to duck in order to not be hit in the face with a heart shaped balloon the size of a toddler. I should not be walking on rose petals going into the building. The trash cans shouldn’t be overflowing with gift bags and chocolate containers. With the amount of girls carrying 4 foot tall teddy bears around, the hallways are suffocatingly over crowded.
Don’t get me wrong, having a significant other is great and showing you love them is amazing too, but this “holiday” is just another sham created by a company in order to have an influx in sales. While I understand the folklore of “St. Valentine” and his love letter bull crap, it’s just the “Hallmark Holiday.” It’s just a day so their sales can go up on cards and candy. You should love other people everyday of the year, not just when society says you’re supposed to. It shames single people for not having a significant other. It’s an excuse to take advantage of single people’s feelings for fun or just because you can.
I personally believe that you should show love and appreciation everyday. I think there shouldn’t be a day where love is hyped more than every other day. It’s like how some people get super religious during the Christmas season and that’s the only time they go to church that year. People only show love on February 14th with candy and pink stuffed animals.
Most people just assume I’m bitter, but I’m actually quite the opposite. I have love from everyone I want in my life. They show me love everyday of the year, not just when it’s considered mandatory. I don’t end up desperately trying to find a spouse the week before Valentine’s Day because I simply don’t have a void to fill in my heart. I don’t see the tweets of boyfriends getting their girlfriends hundreds of dollars worth of presents are think, ’Wow I wish that was me.’ That’s not me. I’m not materialistic. That’s a big reason I’m against the holiday is because it is so materialistic.
This day is glorified for the presents and the candy, but the meaning of love is taken for granted due to this “holiday.”